The 48 Ptolemaic Constellations
Which Ptolemaic constellations are not included in the modern 88 IAU Constellations?
Or in your choice of historical star atlases?
- Andromeda
- Aquarius the Water Carrier
- Aquila the Eagle
- Ara the Altar
- Argo Navis, the Ship of the Argonauts
- Aries the Ram
- Auriga the Charioteer
- Boötes the Herdsman
- Cancer the Crab
- Canis Major the Big Dog
- Canis Minor the Little Dog
- Capricornus the Sea-Goat
- Cassiopeia the Ethiopian Queen
- Centaurus the Centaur
- Cepheus the Ethiopian King
- Cetus the Sea Monster
- The Claws (Libra)
- Corona Australis the Southern Crown
- Corona Borealis the Northern Crown
- Corvus the Crow
- Crater the Cup
- Cygnus the Swan
- Delphinus the Dolphin
- Draco the Dragon
- Equuleus the Little Horse
- Eridanus the River
- Gemini the Twins
- Hercules
- Hydra the Water Snake
- Leo the Lion
- Lepus the Hare
- Lupus the Wolf
- Lyra the Harp
- Ophiuchus the Snake Handler
- Orion the Hunter
- Pegasus the Flying Horse
- Perseus
- Pisces the Fishes
- Piscis Austrinus the Southern Fish
- Sagitta the Arrow
- Sagittarius the Archer
- Scorpius the Scorpion
- Serpens the Snake
- Taurus the Bull
- Triangulum the Triangle
- Ursa Major the Big Bear
- Ursa Minor the Little Bear
- Virgo the Maiden
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