Asterisms and Historical Constellations

Asterisms and Historical Constellations Menu page

Use the link in the main navigation menu to go to the Asterisms and Historical Constellations menu page.

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) established official boundaries for 88 constellations in 1922.

This page lists any star pattern or name that is not one of the 88 official IAU constellations. For each asterism you can see any IAU constellation it touches or contains.

Click the link for "Felis the Cat" to go its Asterism page.

Return to the Asterisms Menu page. Now find "The Kids," and go to its Asterism page. 

"Felis the Cat" or "The Kids" Asterism page: Main Content Area

In the main content area of any Asterism page you may find brief explanations of the following:

  • Asterism Visual Appearance
  • Asterism Origin and History
  • Asterism Skylore

At the bottom, images of this asterism appear from all sources. These images were tagged "Asterisms and Historical Constellations" in the "Menu Category" field described on the Images Tour page.

Can you identify the asterism on each of these images?

Sidebar Links and Info

Links in the left and right sidebars may repeat some of the fields found on IAU Constellation pages (see explanations there). Glance at the links and explore any of them that catch your interest.