
The Resources pages describe a selection of books and resources that we recommend. Use the filters at the top of the page to identify resources to fit your needs, ranging from Illustrated Children's Books for constellation story-times, to history of science or aids for amateur astronomy.

For any resource, click the cover image to go to a longer description of that resource. Check out the pages for Allen, Star Names, and for Raymo, 365 Starry Nights. Note that both contain indexes, which may come in handy sometime.

Note that if any resource has a link to Goodreads, you can use the Goodreads page to jump directly to a variety of online bookstores in various places in the world. For example, if you are in the UK, you can go directly to the title in the UK Amazon store instead of the American one. Or you can choose alternatives to Amazon.

Please let us know of resources you would recommend! Tell us why and who would benefit, and we'll consider adding them to this list.