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Source notes introduce the work, providing a little background and describing general characteristics and special features.
At the bottom, images appear from this source. These images were tagged "Source" in the "Menu Category" field described on the Images Tour page.
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Galileo's World gallery | Many of the star atlases from the History of Science Collections at OU were displayed in a major Galileo's World exhibit in 2015-2016. If so, this link takes you to the gallery in which that work was displayed, on the Lynx Open Ed website. Explore the exhibit from the Galileo's World landing page. |
OU Libraries Repository | The works displayed in Galileo's World are being digitized by OU Libraries and will eventually appear at A link in this field takes you directly to the source there so that you can examine the entire book. |
Linda Hall Library: Out of This World | The Out of This World online exhibit of the Linda Hall Library is a venerable and informative website for star atlases. Highly recommended. |
Ridpath, Star Tales | This website is a companion to Ian Ridpath's book of the same title. Great for constellation stories and for star atlas information. |
Atlas Coelestis | Another helpful website for star atlas information. |
Wikipedia | Direct links to Wikipedia appear here for the source author and title, when available. |
Left Sidebar: Source Info
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Source ID | This is the unique ID# for this source. |
Citation | Beneath the Source ID is a citation you can copy and paste into any application. |
Language | The language of the star maps, and therefore likely of the book as a whole. |
Tradition |
The constellation figures may represent various cultures and traditions, including:
Period |
Periods may include:
Continent | Any of the Earth's continents. |
Geographical Region | Geographical areas smaller than continents, larger than countries. |
Country | The names of the modern countries which touch the place of origin. |
Constellation figures drawn from |
For this field and the next, images may vary within a given source. Yet the predominate practice of the book may be recorded here. Options include:
Star patterns shown from |
Options include:
Sources Menu page
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Scroll down to see a list of the sources that are currently available or in preparation. Can you find the Bayer?
Over coming months, watch the status change for many titles.
In the initial phase we are starting with historic star atlases, but different traditions and forms of cultural representation will be added over the coming year.