Hyginus (1485) figure: Andromeda
Andromeda is portrayed as androgynous. This is not in the accompanying text. Her arms are outstretched, representing when she was exposed to the sea-monster. |
And - Andromeda the Princess of Ethiopia |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Aquarius |
Aqr - Aquarius the Water Carrier |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Aquila |
Aql - Aquila the Eagle |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Ara
Note the dragons in the fire. |
Ara - Ara the Altar |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Argo Navis |
Car - Carina the Keel of Argo Navis, Pup - Puppis the Stern of Argo Navis, Vel - Vela the Sail of Argo Navis |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Aries |
Ari - Aries the Ram |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Auriga
Driven by both oxen and horses. Note the kids (baby goats). |
Aur - Auriga the Charioteer |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Bootes
Holding a spear and a scythe. |
Boo - Bootes the Herdsman or Bear Driver |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Cancer |
Cnc - Cancer the Crab |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Canis Major |
CMa - Canis Major the Big Dog |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Canis Minor |
CMi - Canis Minor the Little Dog |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Capricorn |
Cap - Capricornus the Sea Goat |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Cassiopeia
Tied to throne so she won't fall out. Holding a consecrated palm. |
Cas - Cassiopeia the Queen of Ethiopia |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Centaurus |
Cen - Centaurus the Centaur |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Cepheus |
Cep - Cepheus the King of Ethiopia |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Cetus |
Cet - Cetus the Sea Monster or Whale |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Cygnus |
Cyg - Cygnus the Swan |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Delphinus |
Del - Delphinus the Dolphin |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Draco |
Dra - Draco the Dragon, UMa - Ursa Major the Big Bear, UMi - Ursa Minor the Little Bear |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Eridanus
Who is the figure in the river? |
Eri - Eridanus the River |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Gemini
Boy and girl angels, or twin human brothers? Compare the harp with the depiction of Lyra. |
Gem - Gemini the Twins |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Hercules |
Her - Hercules the Hero |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Jupiter
P. 130: "One of them is the star of Zeus (Jupiter), named Phainon (the Brilliant); Heracleides of Pontos says that when Prometheus was creating men, he created this Phainon as one who surpassed all others in beauty, and when he tried to hide him… |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Leo |
Leo - Leo the Lion |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Lepus |
Lep - Lepus the Hare |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Lyra |
Lyr - Lyra the Harp |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Mars
Pg. 131: The third star is that of Ares (Mars), which others call the star of Heracles. It follows the star of Aphrodite (Venus) for the following reason, as Eratosthenes recounts: Hephaistos had married Aphrodite and kept such close watch on her… |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Mercury
Pg. 131: The fifth star is that of Hermes (Mercury), known as Stilbon (the Glittering); it is small and bright. It is assigned to Hermes, so it is thought, because he first established the months and determined the courses of the stars. But… |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Milky Way |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Moon |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Ophiuchus |
Oph - Ophiuchus the Serpent Handler, Ser - Serpens the Snake |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Orion |
Ori - Orion the Hunter |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Pegasus |
Peg - Pegasus the Flying Horse |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Perseus
Winged feet. |
Per - Perseus the Hero |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Pisces |
Psc - Pisces the Fishes |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Pisces Austrinus
Note the smaller fish, upside-down, beneath, in the river. |
PsA - Piscis Austrinus the Southern Fish |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Sagitta |
Sge - Sagitta the Arrow |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Sagittarius
What is the arrow between the legs? The circle of stars beneath the front hooves? And the whip-like rope above and behind? |
Sgr - Sagittarius the Archer |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Saturn
Pg. 131: "The second star is said to be that of Helios, or according to others, that of Cronos (Saturn). According to Eratosthenes, it is called Phaethon, after the son of Helios. Many authors have written about hi, describing how, in his… |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Scorpius |
Sco - Scorpius the Scorpion, Lyr - Lyra the Harp |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Sun |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Taurus |
Tau - Taurus the Bull |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Triangle |
Tri - Triangulum the Triangle |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Ursa Major |
Dra - Draco the Dragon, UMa - Ursa Major the Big Bear |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Ursa Minor |
UMi - Ursa Minor the Little Bear |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Venus
Pg. 131: "The fourth star is that of Aphrodite (Venus), known as Phosphoros; though some say that it is the star of Hera. It is also called Hesperos in many tales that have been handed down to us. Of all stars, this seems to be the largest. Some… |
Hyginus (1485) figure: Virgo
With wings, Caduceus of Mercury, and ears of wheat. |
Vir - Virgo the Maiden |