Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Andromeda
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Andromeda, Triangulum and Gloria Frederici |
And - Andromeda the Princess of Ethiopia, Tri - Triangulum the Triangle |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Aquarius |
Aqr - Aquarius the Water Carrier |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Aries
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Aries |
Ari - Aries the Ram |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Auriga |
Aur - Auriga the Charioteer |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Bootes
Bootes, Canes Venatici, Coma Berenices |
Boo - Bootes the Herdsman or Bear Driver, CVn - Canes Venatici the Hunting Dogs, Com - Coma Berenices the Hair of Berenice |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Camelopardalis
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Camelopardalis, Tarandus, Custos Messium |
Cam - Camelopardalis the Giraffe |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Cancer |
Cnc - Cancer the Crab |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Canis Major
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Canis Major, Lepus |
CMa - Canis Major the Big Dog, Lep - Lepus the Hare |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Capricornus |
Cap - Capricornus the Sea Goat |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Cassiopeia |
Cas - Cassiopeia the Queen of Ethiopia |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Cepheus |
Cep - Cepheus the King of Ethiopia |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Draco
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Draco, Ursa Minor |
Dra - Draco the Dragon, UMi - Ursa Minor the Little Bear |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Gemini
The twins are holding a harp, a bow and arrow, and a club. |
Gem - Gemini the Twins |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Hercules |
Her - Hercules the Hero, CrB - Corona Borealis the Northern Crown |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Hydra
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Hydra, Crater, Corvus, Sextans, Noctua, Felis, Antla Pneumatica. |
Hya - Hydra the Water Snake, Crt - Crater the Cup, Crv - Corvus the Crow, Sex - Sextans the Sextant, Ant - Antlia the Air Pump |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Monoceros
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Monoceros, Canis Minor, Printing Press |
Mon - Monoceros the Unicorn, CMi - Canis Minor the Little Dog |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Ophiuchus
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Ophiuchus (Serpentarius), Serpens, Scutum, Taurus Poniatowski |
Oph - Ophiuchus the Serpent Handler, Ser - Serpens the Snake, Sct - Scutum the Shield |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Orion |
Ori - Orion the Hunter |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Pegasus
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Pegasus, Equuleus |
Peg - Pegasus the Flying Horse, Equ - Equuleus the Foal |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Perseus |
Per - Perseus the Hero |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Pisces |
Psc - Pisces the Fishes |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Sagittarius
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Sagittarius, Corona Australis |
Sgr - Sagittarius the Archer, CrA - Corona Australis the Southern Crown |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Scorpius |
Sco - Scorpius the Scorpion |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Ursa Major |
UMa - Ursa Major the Big Bear |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Delphinus
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Delphinus, Aquila, Sagitta, Antinous |
Del - Delphinus the Dolphin, Aql - Aquila the Eagle, Sge - Sagitta the Arrow |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Leo
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Leo, Leo Minor |
Leo - Leo the Lion, LMi - Leo Minor the Little Lion |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Libra |
Lib - Libra the Balance |
Urania's Mirror (1825) card: Lynx |
Lyn - Lynx |