Boo - Bootes the Herdsman or Bear Driver
IAU ConstellationSize
13 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
Skywatchers have long-repeated the catch-phrase "Arc to Arcturus" (Arc-TUR-us). Follow the curve of the Big Dipper’s handle to the fourth brightest star in the sky. Arcturus belongs to the ancient constellation Bootes (BOW-oh-tees). Look for a pentagon above Arcturus forming the torso of the herdsman.
Some prefer to see Bootes as a one-scoop ice cream cone. Just to one side lies Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. With bright Gemma ("Jemma") in its center, like a second scoop of ice cream that melted in the heat of summer and fell off the top.
CVn - Canes Venatici the Hunting Dogs
IAU ConstellationSize
38 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
Lies under the arc of the Big Dipper’s handle.
Cen - Centaurus the Centaur
IAU ConstellationSize
9 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
Partially visible only in March and April from 35 degrees north latitude.
Hadar, a knee of the Centaur, is on a line from Alpha Centauri to Crux.
Cha - Chamaeleon
IAU ConstellationSize
79 of 88Astronomical RegionsCir - Circinus the Drafting Compasses (35)
IAU ConstellationSize
85 of 88Astronomical RegionsCom - Coma Berenices the Hair of Berenice
IAU ConstellationSize
42 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
To the east of Leo is the constellation Coma Berenices (KOH-ma Bear-uhn-EE-chayz), which pictures the braided hair streaming down from the back of Berenice’s head. Between Leo, Virgo, and Bootes.
Crv - Corvus the Crow
IAU ConstellationSize
70 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
On the back of Hydra, kite-shaped pattern, low in the south.
Crt - Crater the Cup
IAU ConstellationSize
53 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
Dim stars on the back of Hydra; shape of a cup.
Hya - Hydra the Water Snake
IAU ConstellationSize
1 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
Hydra the Water Snake is the largest and longest of the constellations, stretching from Cancer to Libra. Several constellations and asterisms ride on its back; from head to tail they are Sextans the Sextant, Crater the Cup, Corvus the Crow, and Noctua the Owl.
IAU Constellation Main Page
Tau - Taurus the Bull
Intro and Visual description
Taurus the Bull is easily spotted. Its head is the Hyades, a V-shaped cluster of stars. His horns point outward from the V. Aldebaran is the red eye of the Bull as he charges down upon us.