Hya - Hydra the Water Snake
Cnc - Cancer the Crab
IAU ConstellationSize
31 of 88Intro and Visual description
A faint constellation between Gemini and Leo.
CMi - Canis Minor the Little Dog
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71 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
Procyon, the brightest star of Canis Minor, serves as the vertex of the Winter Hexagon lying between Gemini and Sirius.
Cen - Centaurus the Centaur
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9 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
Partially visible only in March and April from 35 degrees north latitude.
Hadar, a knee of the Centaur, is on a line from Alpha Centauri to Crux.
Crv - Corvus the Crow
IAU ConstellationSize
70 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
On the back of Hydra, kite-shaped pattern, low in the south.
Crt - Crater the Cup
IAU ConstellationSize
53 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
Dim stars on the back of Hydra; shape of a cup.
Hya - Hydra the Water Snake
IAU ConstellationSize
1 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
Hydra the Water Snake is the largest and longest of the constellations, stretching from Cancer to Libra. Several constellations and asterisms ride on its back; from head to tail they are Sextans the Sextant, Crater the Cup, Corvus the Crow, and Noctua the Owl.
Leo - Leo the Lion
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12 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
East of the Gemini twins lies Leo the Lion.
Find the bowl of the Big Dipper. A line running through the two stars of the bowl of the Big Dipper on the side nearest the handle points almost directly to two other notable stars. Follow them below the bowl of the Dipper to Regulus.
Leo’s mane looks like a backward question mark, or sickle. Regulus, the "dot" at the bottom of the mark, lies nearly on the ecliptic.
His flank is a triangle of stars farther east.
Lib - Libra the Balance
IAU ConstellationSize
29 of 88Intro and Visual description
Libra is the only inanimate object in the zodiac. It was associated with the scales held by the goddess of justice.
Mon - Monoceros the Unicorn
IAU ConstellationSize
35 of 88Astronomical RegionsIntro and Visual description
The Unicorn is running up behind Orion, who has not heard it coming (a sign of its magical nature).
IAU Constellation Main Page
Tau - Taurus the Bull
Intro and Visual description
Taurus the Bull is easily spotted. Its head is the Hyades, a V-shaped cluster of stars. His horns point outward from the V. Aldebaran is the red eye of the Bull as he charges down upon us.