TrA - Triangulum Australe the Southern Triangle
- IAU Constellation67 of 88Astronomical Regions
Cir - Circinus the Drafting Compasses (35)
IAU ConstellationSize
85 of 88Astronomical RegionsTrA - Triangulum Australe the Southern Triangle
IAU ConstellationSize
83 of 88Astronomical RegionsBayer, Uranometria (1661): Southern stars
Clockwise from top center: Pavo, Apis, Triangulum Australe, Musca, Chamaeleon, Volans, Dorado, Nubecula Major, Phoenix (left margin), Grus (outside upper left), Indus (left of Pavo), Tucana (below Grus), Hydrus (below Tucana, near center), and Nubecula Minor (just under Hydrus).
IAU Constellation Main Page
Tau - Taurus the Bull
Intro and Visual description
Taurus the Bull is easily spotted. Its head is the Hyades, a V-shaped cluster of stars. His horns point outward from the V. Aldebaran is the red eye of the Bull as he charges down upon us.