The Sky Tonight website features high quality images of the constellations taken from historical sources, courtesy (at launch) of the History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries, and prepared by website curators Kerry Magruder, Brent Purkaple and Aja Tolman. "Sources" as used here are the original publications from which the high resolution images available on this site were taken. Contributing libraries, repositories and curators provide high quality digitized source images in the public domain or distributed under a Creative Commons license.

See also: Sources in Preparation.
Displaying Results 1 - 35 of 35

Source Date Tradition Contributor Status
Urania's Mirror, 1825 Urania’s Mirror 1825 Modern, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Uploaded
Bode, Uranographia (1801) Bode, Uranographia 1801 Modern, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Uploaded
Messier (1774), M42, the Great Orion Nebula Messier, “Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des Amas d’Étoiles” 1774 Ptolemaic, Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Uploaded
Galileo, Sidereus Nuncius (1610), OU copy Galileo, Sidereus Nuncius 1610 Ptolemaic, Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Uploaded
Hyginus, Poeticon astronomicon (1485) Hyginus, Poeticon astronomicon 1485 Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Uploaded
Bainbridge, An astronomicall description (1619) Bainbridge, An astronomicall description 1619 Ptolemaic, Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Uploaded
Bayer, Uranometria (1661) Bayer, Uranometria 1661 Modern, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Uploaded
Coronelli, Celestial Globe Gores (1693) Coronelli, Celestial Globe Gores 1693 Ptolemaic, Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Johann Bode, Vorstellung der Gestirne (Berlin, 1782) Bode, Vorstellung der Gestirne 1782 Modern, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Flamsteed, Atlas coelestis (1729) Flamsteed, Atlas coelestis 1729 Modern, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Gallucci, Theatrum mundi (1588) Gallucci, Theatrum mundi 1588 Modern, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
von Littrow, Atlas des Gestritten Himmels (1839) von Littrow, Atlas des Gestirnten Himmels 1839 Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Gaffarel, Unheard-of Curiosities (1650) Gaffarel, Unheard-of Curiosities 1650 Hebrew or Kabbalah History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Whitwell, Astronomical Catechism (1818) Whitwell, An Astronomical Catechism 1818 Modern, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Saulnier, Notice (1822) Saulnier, Égypte 1822 Egyptian or Hieroglyphic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Baba, Nobutake, Shogaku tendon shinansho (1706) Baba, Nobutake 1706 Asian History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Boeddicker, The Milky Way (1892) Boeddicker, The Milky Way 1892 Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Williams, Observations of Comets (1871) Williams, Observations of Comets 1871 Asian History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Hesiod, Opera (1559) Hesiod, Opera 1559 Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Tycho Brahe, Opera omnia (1648) Brahe, Opera omnia 1648 Modern, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Aratos, Phenomena (1547) Aratos, Phenomena 1547 Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Grassi, De tribus comtes (1619) Grassi, De tribus cometis 1619 Ptolemaic, Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Piccolomini, De le Stelle Fisse (1540) Piccolomini, De le Stelle Fisse 1540 Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Ptolemy, Opera (1541) Ptolemy, Opera 1541 Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Abu Ma’shar, Introductorium in astronomiam Abu Ma’shar, Introductorium in astronomiam 1489 Islamic, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
William Schickard, Astroscopium (1698) Schickard, Astroscopium (1698) 1698 Ptolemaic, Modern, Biblical History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Montanari, Sopra la Sparizione D'Alcune Stelle (1671) Montanari, Sopra la Sparizione D'Alcune Stelle 1671 History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Kepler, De stella nova (1606) Kepler, De stella nova 1606 Modern, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Coronelli, Epitome Cosmografica (1693) Coronelli, Epitome Cosmografica 1693 Ptolemaic, Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Lubieniecki, Theatrum cometicum (1666-1668) Lubieniecki, Theatrum cometicum 1666, 1668 Ptolemaic, Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Halley, Catalogus stellarum australium (1679) Halley, Catalogus stellarum australium 1679 History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Lubieniecki, Theatrum cometicum (1666-1668) Lubieniecki, Theatrum cometicum 1666, 1668 Ptolemaic, Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Lacaille, Planisphere contenant les Constellations Celestes (1756) LaCaille, Planisphere contenant les Constellations Celestes 1756 Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Johann and Elisabeth Hevelius, Firmamentum Sobiescianum sive Uranographia (1690) Hevelius, Uranographia 1690 Ptolemaic, Modern History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing
Flamsteed, Atlas Celeste (1776), ed. J. Fortin Flamsteed, Atlas Celeste; ed. Fortin 1776 Modern, Ptolemaic History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Currently in processing